Saturday, January 9, 2010

Kedondong Waterfalls

Yes.. esok kitorang plan nak pi mandi air terjun.. memula tu memang plan nak gi tengok wayang or karaoke.. but for me.. benda2 tu leh wat during the weekdays n i want something different for my weekend..
N suddenly, i suggest for air terjun n sms reply from dd said Yes.. so, from dd's ideas to sungai gabai sumwhere at hulu Langat. n from my opinion is to Batang Kali which is my fav air terjun so far..
But, sepanjang pegi air terjun kat sane, i x pernah jumpe the main waterfall and for tomorrow i decide tu find out where is the place of that actual waterfall. hurm, hopefully that tomorrow will be as the plan...

I love u Dear..

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