Friday, January 29, 2010

Hi Mr. Right~

Hi DD, how r u? still demam ke..? dah makan ubat..?
kalau hari ni x baik lagi, d xyah main tap malam ni n tak yah pi camping..
d jgn wat b risau ek..
b sayang d.. sepenuh hati...

hurm, ade benda yang b nak bagitau..
we have twitter now.. click for username n password, kindly sms me k.
i will tell more about twitter nnt..
d, b lapar ni.. pagi tadi mase mandi b tgk badan b dah semakin gemuk..
d x kisah kan kalau b gemuk..?
tapi b da ade masalah baru, baju b banyak yang x muat dari yang muat.. so how?

d, next week, by hook or by crook we must go for excercise.. plz d..

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

i'm not desperate

please ignore the topic we've discuss previously..
this is the fact that i'm not too desperate for that..
i really love our relationship and i dont want to miss our sweet memories.

i'm scared if i missing u..
i cannot imagine tomorrow if without u..
so now, i'll respect ur decision..
I realize that there is no happy ending in our relationship..
even though the sound like stupid, i will take it as my fate..
don't worry dear, maybe this is my punishment for being u suffer last time...
who knows right?

Well, i'll not discuss about married anymore after this as long as we're happy together..
let it be in my heart and no one knows..

I love u so much..

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pagi Yang Indah

hai D.. hari ni hari yang indah pada B.. best giler b rase..
n perasaan b pada d macam musim bunga yang x penah luruh.. huhu..
D, dengan sepenuh hati B, cinta dan kasih sayang B hanya untuk D..
B xnak kehilangan D kali ke dua.. D,
b cintakan D... Sepenuh hati~

Friday, January 22, 2010

rempit dalam hujan

d, try upload pic tp xleh


rindu la.. this week b down sebab ofis.. b nak say thanks to d sebab banyak menceriakan tension b (hhuhuhuhu).. D, u know what, i will die if without u.. whoever u are, u always in my heart.. n if sumthing was happened to me, i will let u go.. far away from me.. because i realize, on that time i cant give u happiness or even make u smile..

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lelaki dan Snooker..?

Hi D,

Semalam B temankan d gi main snooker kan..? Banyak kesimpulan yang b buat.. memula, b ingat snooker ni macam game biase je.. as a hobby n xla serius sangat but then, i finalized that snooker is a big game for man.

kalau orang pompuan yang x paham dan dapat plak bf yang kaki snooker macam d, memang leh berantakan rumah tangga.. yelah, dari pandangan pompuan, apela sangat snooker tu.. main jolok2 je.. tapi camne lelaki leh lepak lame kat snooker n ketagih benda alah tu kan..?

so, pada baby, b rase yang snooker ni memang orang pompuan kene blaja main gak. sebab, bile dah main rase cam ketagih gak.. n bile dua2 dah ketagih, baru leh satu family gi hang out kat snooker bar.. huhuhu.

macam main kad dulu, memula b xnak blaja main tp bile tgk lelaki boleh lepak berjam2 untuk main kad tu, b pun blaja.. bila dah belajar memang best lak kan.. so, my assumption is, b pun akan belajar main snooker n bile dah pandai main, b akan dapat banyak mase untuk sentiasa berada di sisi dd... as starting, b blaja kire je kan, n today b dah mula cari how to play snooker n the key skill to play.. huhu.. i will challenge u for the next frame.. ok?

D, pesan skali pada Mawar.. kalau bf dia pun kaki snooker macam d, leh la join b belajar snooker ni..

akhir kata, b akan cube blaja semua xtvt yang d suke kecuali ur Rugby.. huhu

Monday, January 18, 2010

Congrats to Dear

D, tahniah for Ansara 10.. Champion again n again..
sorry x dapat temankan D on sunday.. B spent time wif adik2.. Dear.. previously b rase happy sangat.. maybe kite dah berhenti dari bergaduh je kan..? tapi bile di ingat balik memang pressure mase tu.. + we waste our time with that stupid things.. (bergaduh).. D, b rindu la.. makin rindu lak dengan d..

Semoga hari2 kite yang mendatang akan lebih bahagia dari sebelum2 ni... B sayang D.. B harus terima D seadanya dan yang akan datang..

Even 1 day, D berubah jadi Gorilla yang ganaz giler, B rela berada di sisi D.. B harap, B akan lebih menyempurnakan hari2 D yang akan datang.. i will~

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Adnan Sempit

Petang ni nak tgk gak citer ni.. B dah usha kat Website.. kul 6.20 p.m kat Summit USJ..
Kalau mawar n murni x nak follow, kite gi naik moto je ek.. B tunggu kat Petronas Bukit Jelutong.. Cam biase ek.. jangan lambat.. no Pingpong k.


Hai D..
busy ke? opss~ tgh gaduh ngan yana ek..? (yana ke name dia d?)

Baby sakit perut la arini..
D, lupakan pasal sms mlm tadi ek.. B happy hidup macam ni dengan D.. B xnak semua ni hilang.. If tomorrow did'nt bring to us happiness, i prefer to have today forever~

whoever u are, whoever u may become (even a gorilla), i will be always with u dear.. together be with u for every single second... now i was found my happiness in my love story~

Love u Dear~

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

sebab-sebab benda kt bawah ni jadii..

benda2 ni remeh la b..
xjd sbb b suke majuk skang..
kn d tnye dulu sblom nk kuar..ari nk ujan..nk kuar gak ke??
d kate len kali..d ingat b ok jee..ropenye majuk gak.adoihhhhh...
b..nape suke majuk skang??piried ari2 ek..
kalo nk kuar dr opis tu kite kuar je la sama2..jgn la g tasek tu soang2 dl..
b..jgn majuk lg ek..
b..i luv u..

Hari Yang Stress


  • Isnin D lambat
  • Selasa D suh tunggu sampai kul 6 petang
  • tgk photo comment D
  • plan dating x jadi
  • karok x jadi
  • tgk wayang x jadi
  • keje banyak tetibe arini
  • status x update lagi pasal kerja..

benci sangat

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My wish list 2010


D, lain kali kalau b majuk, d kene hadiahkan B benda ni..

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dating @ Tasik Shah Alam..

Petang ni Dear ajak dating jap kat Tasik Shah Alam.. Great~ tempat ni kitorang x penah singgah dating dari musim pertama bercinta hingga ke musim ke dua ni.. huhuhu..

and i've sumthing for my Dear but not too best la.. huhu.. but it's come from the bottom of my heart..

rase macam x sabar plak nak jumpe Dd petang ni...

Love u so much~

Hari yang Indah..

Hi Dear..

hurm.. hari ni b sakit ketiak la.. kat belah kanan. sampai satu tangan ni sakit..
D, b nak upload picture banyak.. tapi jap lagi kot.. tangan kanan ni sakit r.. susah nak type... huhu..
D, kite upload video nak .. b x tgk lagi video tu.. huhu

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Yes.. Weekend yang Best

Ni pic paling romantik kot.. huhu.. pic ni mase otw ke Genting dalam kete kabel.. hhuhu.. hurm.. ni pic after mandi manda kat kedondong waterfall.. huhuhu.. pic kat waterfall ade 2,3 keping je sbb D x bawak hp.. kamera b xde bateri lak... huhu.. Sayang D

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Kedondong Waterfalls

Yes.. esok kitorang plan nak pi mandi air terjun.. memula tu memang plan nak gi tengok wayang or karaoke.. but for me.. benda2 tu leh wat during the weekdays n i want something different for my weekend..
N suddenly, i suggest for air terjun n sms reply from dd said Yes.. so, from dd's ideas to sungai gabai sumwhere at hulu Langat. n from my opinion is to Batang Kali which is my fav air terjun so far..
But, sepanjang pegi air terjun kat sane, i x pernah jumpe the main waterfall and for tomorrow i decide tu find out where is the place of that actual waterfall. hurm, hopefully that tomorrow will be as the plan...

I love u Dear..

My Love Story...

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony of summer air

See the lights,
See the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
You say hello
Little did I know

That you were Romeo you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go, and I said:

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes

So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet cause we're dead if they know
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while

Cause you were Romeo I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go and I said:

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes

Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real,
Don't be afraid
We'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say yes, oh,

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town I said:

Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think
He knealt to the ground and pulled out a ring

And said:

Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say yes

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Cause we were both young when I first saw you

Satu Hari Yang Panjang..

Wow.. semalam memang betul2 letih.. letih bergaduh kan D.. D ni macam2 tau.. D saje je nak duga B.. Benda yg jadi semalam memang elok.. tapi akan jadi x elok kalau selalu sangat jadi tau D.. B takut ada salah sorang antara kite yg x leh tahan dugaan tu...
Tapi kan.. B rase, B yang senggugut.. tapi nape D yang mengamuk plak ek.. ish ish ish. Pelik suhngguh...

Sekarang ni pun pinggang DD sakit sangat.. hurm. senggugut ni sakit tau D..

B sambung nanti ek.. B nak main game kat facebook jap. D, B rindu sangat dengan D..

"Cinta ni indah.. kite rase kalau kite ni ikhlas and jujur.. sama-sama kite jaga cinta ni ek.." - B suke mesej yg DD hantar malam tadi..

I love u sayang

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year 2010


Happy new year.. hurm.. x wish kat bloh lagi... d, b rindu kat D.. hari2 b cakap b rindu kan..?
erm, ape nak tulis lagi ek.. banyak sebenarnya nak tulis.. tapi b xde mase r.. huhu.. petang ni b ade presentation..ok bye...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Dating Early in the Morning

Result : Failed

D, ni kali keberape ntah kan...?